
Monday, June 9, 2014

Drop Dead interviews Jamie Campbell Bower

Drop Dead, the UK based clothing company owned by British rocker Oliver Sykes (Bring Me The Horizon), did an interview with Mortal Instruments star and musician Jamie Campbell Bower.

As a big fan of both Jamie and Bring Me The Horizon, it's awesome that the two collabed for this interview. It's also fun to note that you can see Jamie wearing Drop Dead apparel at almost all of his Darling Buds gigs.

Take a look!


Describe yourself in 5 words…Some Kind Of Dancing Unicorn.
Highlight of the last year?Recording my bands (The Darling Buds) debut EP in Copenhagen.
What can we expect from you in the next year?Our first single comes out in the Summer. We're playing shows around the UK and the US. A new movie and possibly a video of me drinking milk.
Current inspiration?Dragons.
What’s your favourite city?London.
When you’re creating what’s your daily routine?If I'm doing a movie its normally, wake up at the crack of ass, throw on what clothes I have on the floor, get picked up then get made to look pretty and do some pretending. If I'm writing or recording its pretty much the same just without getting made to look pretty.
Top albums on rotation at the minute?Of Mice and Men - Restoring Force
A Day To Remember - Common Courtesy
and anything by The Xcerts
Burrito or burger?Burger hands down. Nothing better than some juicy bun action.
Top 3 films?The Great Escape
The Princess Diaries
How To Train Your Dragon
Pick one celebrity to Drop Dead…Anyone who refers to themselves as a celebrity.