Thursday, December 26, 2013

December Calendar portraits and Christmassy snippet from City of Heavenly Fire

Cassie Clare took to Tumblr on Christmas Day to share some new artwork from Cassandra Jean's December Calendar and a very cute Christmassy snippet from City of Heavenly Fire featuring Clary and Simon. Check it all out below!

 December Calendar Portraits: The Boys and The Girls.

Christmassy Snippet

The Frays had never been a religiously observant family, but Clary loved Fifth Avenue at Christmas time. The air smelled like sweet roasted chestnuts, and the window displays sparkled with silver and blue, green and red. This year there were fat round crystal snowflakes attached to each lamppost, sending back the winter sunlight in shafts of gold[B1] . Not to mention the huge tree at Rockefeller Center. It threw its shadow across them as she and Simon draped themselves over the gate at the side of the skating rink, watching tourists fall down as they tried to navigate the ice.
Clary had a hot chocolate wrapped in her hands, the warmth spreading through her body. She felt almost normal—this, coming to Fifth to see the window displays and the tree, had been a winter tradition for her and Simon for as long as she could remember.
“Feels like old times, doesn’t it?” he said, echoing her thoughts as he propped his chin on his folded arms.
She chanced a sideways look at him. He was wearing a black topcoat and scarf that emphasized the winter pallor of his skin. His eyes were shadowed, indicating that he hadn’t fed on blood recently. He looked like what he was—a hungry, tired vampire.
Well, she thought. Almost like old times. “More people to buy presents for,” she said. “Plus, the always traumatic what-to-buy-someone-for-the-first-Christmas-after-you’ve-started-dating question.”
“What to get the Shadowhunter who has everything,” Simon said with a grin.
“Jace mostly likes weapons,” Clary sighed. “He likes books, but they have a huge library at the Institute. He likes classical music …” She brightened. Simon was a musician; even though his band was terrible, and was always changing their name—currently they were Lethal Soufflé—he did have training. “What would you give someone who likes to play the piano?”
“A piano.”
“A really huge metronome that could also double as a weapon?”
Clary sighed, exasperated.
“Sheet music. Rachmaninoff is tough stuff, but he likes a challenge.”
“Now you’re talking. I’m going to see if there’s a music store around here.” Clary, done with her hot chocolate, tossed the cup into a nearby trash can and pulled her phone out. “What about you? What are you giving Isabelle?”
“I have absolutely no idea,” Simon said. They had started heading toward the avenue, where a steady stream of pedestrians gawking at the windows clogged the streets.
“Oh, come on. Isabelle’s easy.”
“That’s my girlfriend you’re talking about.” Simon’s brows drew together. “I think. I’m not sure. We haven’t discussed it. The relationship, I mean.”
“You really have to DTR, Simon.”
“Define the relationship. What it is, where it’s going. Are you boyfriend and girlfriend, just having fun, ‘it’s complicated,’ or what? When’s she going to tell her parents? Are you allowed to see other people?”
Simon blanched. “What? Seriously?”
“Seriously. In the meantime—perfume!” Clary grabbed Simon by the back of his coat and hauled him into a cosmetics store that had once been a bank. It was massive on the inside, with rows of gleaming bottles everywhere. “And something unusual,” she said, heading for the fragrance area. “Isabelle isn’t going to want to smell like everyone else. She’s going to want to smell like figs, or vetiver, or—”
“Figs? Figs have a smell?” Simon looked horrified; Clary was about to laugh at him when her phone buzzed. It was her mother.
where are you? It’s an emergency.

What do you all think of the artwork and snippet? Let us know in the comments below!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

New Medium for The Infernal Devices?

 Cassandra Clare is so good to her readers! In answering a fan question over twitter, Shadowhunters and Downworlders are updated on The Infernal Devices project. Will we ever see Will Herondale on the big screen? According to Cassie, the series is going to be on television! Check out the tweet yourself:

Who do you want to see to bring our favorite book characters to life? Share with us in the comments below! 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

It's a Shadowhunter Christmas

Happy Christmas Eve Shadowhunters and Downworlders! Or should I say Merry Christmas, to some in the world! Our favorite author Cassandra Clare is gifting us with snippets and artwork, check out the teaser tweet below, I can't wait! 

View the original link HERE (spoiler: the snow MOVES!!)  

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Mortal Instruments Fan of the Month: December

 Introducing: Lara Helmer

                                        Month of: DECEMBER

                                             Mini Showcase: 

Lara has written her own mini Bane Chronicle based on her city. She plans to write more mini Bane Chronicles because, as she states, "There's still at least 700 years of Magnus' life left uncovered, even after TMI, TID, and TBC." Below is an excerpt of her Bane Chronicle:

"At a time that turned out to be crucial to his future path, Magnus ended up in Tanzania, however, the question becomes: why was Magnus in Tanzania in the first place?"
Read more on her Wattpad HERE!  

Lara was in a cosplay parade for the Calgary Comic Con & Entertainment Expo. before there were any temporary tattoos out to use as runes, and before there was a Hot Topic Mortal Instruments line. Lena Headey was at the Expo., motivating Lara to specifically dress up as Jocelyn Fray. Plus, how many shadowhunters took photos with Star Wars bounty hunters, or Iron Man? View these awesome photos below! 

Lara had started a fan site for Jamie Campbell Bower! She is still working on it and says that "there's a bit of an associated twitter and tumblr. I'm struggling with getting it going because I want it to be a site that Jamie would be cool with and he has such strong views on judging others, gossip, paparazzi, privacy invasion etcetera.  It's a challenge to think of what I could put up that he hasn't put up himself that he would be happy to see online." -We're sure your fan site will make JCB happy! 

Check out her fan site Bower Power, also on TUMBLR and TWITTER!

Fan of the Month Fun Facts:
Name: Lara

Age: 32

From: Calgary, Canada

Favorite TMI Book: City of Glass (As happy an ending as we get in the series)

Favorite Character: Magnus because he's got so much depth to him.  We see so many sides, so many aspects of him but there's always more.  The Bane Chronicles have been fantastic for showing more but there's still so much mystery - probably 800 years worth.

Favorite Quote: "He leaned against the door frame, ignoring the kick of adrenaline the sight of her produced. He wondered why, not for the first time. Isabelle used her beauty like she used her whip, but Clary didn't know she was beautiful at all."  -City of Bones 

Favorite Fan Moment: On Canada's Inner Space hour special on the Space Channel for the TMI Movie, my question was one of three asked to Jamie, Lily and Kevin.  That was pretty exciting for me because while we don't have the mall tours in Canada and I'm the opposite side of the country from Toronto, I got to in a way be the focus of the cast for a moment.

Fan of the Month Social Media:

Tumblr: dreamreality13

We really hope you enjoyed meeting December's Mortal Instrument's Fan of the Month! The Mortal Instruments have brought people together of all ages from around the world, and we are hoping to make a few introductions that will lead into a lasting fandom family. Say hi to Lara in the comments below, and come back to meet January's Mortal Instrument's fan of the month! 

If you are interested in becoming fan of the month, tweet @YugenBliss  

Friday, December 20, 2013

Jamie Bamber of Battlestar Galactica to Narrate 'The Bane Chronicles: The Last Stand of the New York Institute'!

Cassandra Clare has shared on her tumblr page that Jamie Bamber from the famous television series, "Battlestar Galactica", will be narrating the final short story of The Bane Chronicles. In her post, Cassie also talked about what is she is currently working on and it has to something to do with the final book of The Mortal Instruments book series! 
"As the Bane Chronicles draws to a close, I know you’re all worried. Can we really keep up our excellent track record of Hot Guys Reading You Stories? I’m happy to announce that we can.
The actor who will be reading The Last Stand of the New York Institute, the second-last Bane Chronicle, is… Jamie Bamber. You may know him from Battlestar Galactica. (Captain Apollo!) Sarah, who has a creepily encyclopaedic knowledge of Hot British Actors, loves him from the Hornblower TV series in which apparently Jamie Bamber wore a very poofy white shirt, had a lot of feelings and served in His Majesty’s navy. I don’t ask questions.
We are so excited to have Jamie Bamber onboard, and can’t wait to hear his interpretations of Magnus, Luke, Valentine, Jocelyn…and Stephen Herondale. 
(I now disappear back into the depths of copyediting, as City of Heavenly Fire is in the very last stages of having its commas moved and its continuity errors corrected …which with a 200,000 word book is no small undertaking. I will emerge I hope in the New Year, and I’ll be posting some art Christmas Day — Cassandra Jean’s December calendar pages for both the boys and girls!)"
Shadowhunters if you have not purchased The Last Stand of the New York Institute when it came out on December 17, we highly recommend you do! Read the synopsis to find out why: 
"In the time of the Uprising, Valentine’s Circle goes after Downworlders in New York…and the Shadowhunters of the Institute must decide whether to join him, or fight with Magnus and his kind. This is the first time Magnus sees Jocelyn, Luke, and Stephen—but not the last. It is not long before Jocelyn seeks him out…."

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

'The Bane Chronicles: The Last Stand of the New York Institute' out today!

In case you are wondering whether to go ahead and wake up and go about your day ... OR stay in bed for an extra 30 minutes and read The Last Stand of the New York Institute, let me make this decision for you: snuggle in and READ!

In this newest The Bane Chronicles series, Magnus meets Valentine in battle as the Circle attacks the Downworlders of New York City. In the time of the Uprising, Valentine’s Circle goes after Downworlders in New York...and the Shadowhunters of the Institute must decide whether to join him, or fight with Magnus and his kind. This is the first time Magnus sees Jocelyn, Luke, and Stephen—but not the last. It is not long before Jocelyn seeks him out...

Without spoiling the Shadowhunters out there, here's my non-spoiler review:

Feel free to read this latest installment of The Bane Chronicles before you do anything else today. I'll guarantee you will not regret it. Taking the best elements of the beloved TMI and TID books, this explains some very important plot points we've been desperately missing. Don't be surprised by some beloved characters popping up on this one. I am more and more proud every day to be a fan of Cassie and her writing cohorts, Sarah Rees Brennan and Maureen Johnson. You've outdone yourselves again, you talented, talented ladies! Well done!

This standalone e-only short story illuminates the life of the enigmatic Magnus Bane, whose alluring personality populates the pages of the #1 New York Times bestselling series The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices. This story in The Bane Chronicles, The Last Stand of the New York Institute, is written by Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, and Maureen Johnson.

Most importantly, I want to know what everyone thinks of this latest installment, and honestly I need fans to share their feels (because there are many to discuss). Please go into the comments where we will talk SPOILERS... don't read the comments unless you have already read the story.


Jamie Campbell Bower Stuns in Burberry Campaign Photos

Since filming for City of Ashes has been postponed till sometime next year, Jamie Campbell Bower who plays the fierce Jace Wayland in 'City of Bones' hasn't been sitting idle. He's been out causing a stir in the fashion world, not only making a name for himself in acting but also modeling. Daily Mail shared that Burberry has chosen Bower as one of the gorgeous faces to represent Burberry's new Spring/Summer 2014 ad campaign.

Jamie Campbell Bower manages to pull off messy hair, couture clothing, all while sporting a nose ring and still looking incredible. He makes both modeling and acting look effortless. Let's not forget about that killer smile!

Check out this behind the scenes video of Burberry's photoshoot below:

It's fantastic to see Jamie recognized for his angelic good-looks and his numerous talents. While he's off impressing the world we're all patiently waiting for him to return to TMI. Like his own life, Jace still has a story to tell!

Which ad shot is your favorite? Comment below to share your thoughts!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Lena Headey graces new character poster for '300: Rise of an Empire'

A gorgeous new poster just surfaced of Lena Headey as the Spartan Queen Gorgo in 300: Rise of an Empire. With just a few months to go until the highly anticipated sequel to 300, many amazing new posters and footage will be popping up frequently. Be sure to keep checking back here for more on the movie before it comes to theaters on March 7th, 2014!

What do you all think of the poster? Are any of you planning to see the movie when it is released? Let us know in the comments below!

Kevin Zegers Joins Fox's TV Series 'Gracepoint'

Kevin Zegers known for playing Shadowhunter Alec Lightwood in 'The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones' will be taking on a new role in Fox's upcoming show Gracepoint--the U.S. adaptation of the U.K. series Broadchurch. He will play Owen Burke whose described as "a handsome, clever, and extremely laid back young reporter on the local town newspaper."

The Hollywood Reporter revealed this about his character's background, "Gracepoint born and bred, he didn't want to go away to college -- he couldn’t afford it and he felt he could do what he needed to do here. But now, with the arrival of a big city journalist, his dormant ambitions are awakened -- getting both himself and his aunt Ellie (Anna Gunn) in big trouble. Jonathan Bailey played a similar role in the BBC America series on which Fox's take is based."

Gracepoint follows the events and investigation that unfold in the sleepy seaside town of Gracepoint after the tragic and mysterious death of a young boy. Though the cause of his death remains unsolved -- he was found on an idyllic beach surrounded by rocks and a jutting cliff face -- the picturesque town where the tragedy occurred is at the heart of a major police investigation and a nationwide media frenzy.  

It will be an eight-part series which is adapted from the already existing, and successful British program Broadchurch.

"Zegers joins a cast that includes David Tennant (Detective Emmett Carver), Breaking Bad's Anna Gunn (Ellie Miller), Jacki Weaver (Susan Wright), Kevin Ranking (Paul Coates) and Virginia Kull (Beth Lasseter)."

With an all-star cast and the new addition of our beloved TMI actor I think it's safe to say the show's going to be awesome! Are you looking forward to seeing Kevin Zegers in Gracepoint? Comment below and share your thoughts!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Holiday Book Blitz: Exclusive 'Savor' excerpt from Kate Evangelista

We are opening a new section of the Institute that we feel Tessa and Will would love....The Mortal Library!

Here's our plan. We want to bring you book tours and reviews on our favorite books that we have shelved in our favorite little section of the Institute. From YA to Adult, we are sharing our passion of reading with you!

The first book we'll be delving into is the delicious new adult paranormal romance Savor by Kate Evangelista.

Hold on to your seats, ladies and gents, this is one saucy bit of lit that will keep you craving more! Like all adult books, discretion is advised because there are a few steamy scenes not suited for younger reading audiences. With that being said....

Savor Blurb:
Mature and explicit content. Not recommended for readers below 18-years-old. Yup, you’ve got to be that old to read my story. Consider yourself warned.

I’m Dakota Collins, a tough talking, eye patch wearing, workaholic photography student. Why am I important? Well, maybe because I get to spend an entire month with Vicious, only the sickest indie rock band out there.

You see, I needed a subject for my Spring Showcase introspective in order to graduate. During a chance encounter at a club I’d been sent to cover for the Daily Gossip, our ironically named college paper, the features writer I usually teamed up with introduced me to the band—by accident, I might add. It involved a run in with a scary, bald bodyguard. Anyway, long story short, I signed a contract to take pictures of Vicious.

I should have known their handsome yet way too serious for his own good bassist, Luka Visraya, wouldn’t be able to keep his hands to himself. He’s gorgeous and all, but the way he smiles spelled trouble with a capital L. I’m in for a long month with him around.

Crazy shit happens and then some. So, if you want the skinny on Vicious and the events revolving around my stay at Lunar Manor, read my story.

Again, refer to the warning above.

Buy Links:
The Book Depository
Crescent Moon Press

Author Bio:

When Kate Evangelista was told she had a knack for writing stories, she did the next best thing: entered medical school. After realizing she wasn't going to be the next Doogie Howser, M.D., Kate wandered into the Literature department of her university and never looked back. Today, she is in possession of a piece of paper that says to the world she owns a Literature degree. To make matters worse, she took Master's courses in creative writing. In the end, she realized to be a writer, none of what she had mattered. What really mattered? Writing. Plain and simple, honest to God, sitting in front of her computer, writing. Today, she lives in the Philippines and writes full-time.

Author Links:
Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads.
Add Savor to GR link:

Savor Exclusive Excerpt:

“Dakota Collins!”

I lowered my camera. The use of my full name never came with good consequences. I blinked my vision back at her even if I wanted to spend the rest of the night taking his picture. Sweat rose over my upper lip. I may just have found my subject for the Spring Showcase.

The only problem?
I had to find a way to convince him to be in my project. Something told me this wouldn’t be easy. By the way my heart beat in my ears, drowning out the music and Silvia having a fit in front of me, I wanted it too much. I wanted him too much.

“This the guy you were saying?” I showed Silvia the picture I’d taken. This seemed to pacify her because she sidled closer, mesmerized like a moth to a flame.

“Luka Visraya,” she said with a moan like she’d just tasted the most luscious chocolate before taking a long gulp of her cocktail. The name didn’t register. Silvia must have noticed my blank expression because she continued. “He’s the bassist for Vicious.”

Still no pings of recognition in my head.

She slapped her thigh. “Where have you been? It’s weird that you haven’t heard of them. Their songs are on the radio like every second.”
Of course I hadn’t heard of them. I liked listening to country and I hardly kept up with current events.
“Name one?”

Okay, I had a name. Luka. Exotic. A bassist. Part of a band I should know about. So he’s famous. I slowly felt my chances of asking him to be my subject slip from my grasp. If he was someone famous, fat chance he’d say yes to a graduating photography student like me. I just about deflated when Silvia mentioned one of their songs. “Oh, I know that one!” By accident. It played in the radio of the cab I rode in to Sacrifice. I stared at the picture of him then lifted my gaze to where he sat. “He’s gone.”

“What?” Silvia whipped around in time to come face to face with a wall of man. “Whoa!” She pushed at him. “Watch it, buddy!”

“Give me the camera,” he said in a threatening tone. Big. Beefy. Bald. The three Bs that made up the quintessential bodyguard.

I clutched my DSLR closer to my chest and looked up at him with my good eye.“And why would I do that?” The patch didn’t seem to intimidate him because he just reached out. So much for my Bond villain aspirations. I moved away from his grubby hand. No one touched my camera but me.

Despite her size, Silvia came between me and the mountain. “We’re here to cover Sacrifice for our college paper. You don’t have the right to take away my colleague’s camera.”

Yeah! You give it to him, Silvy.
Not that I couldn’t take care of myself. But if Silvia wanted to play hero, I wouldn’t stand in her way.

“What seems to be the problem here?” a soft, authoritative voice chimed in. The bodyguard moved aside to reveal the Gothic Lolita.
She stood at just about the same height as Silvia, but she possessed an older aura even if she seemed to be our age.

“She’s been taking pictures,” Baldy said. Lolita’s kohl eyes landed on me then shifted to my camera.

“As I was saying to the big guy,” Silvia explained. “My colleague and I are covering the opening of Sacrifice.”

“For what paper?” Lolita asked without taking her eyes off me. I clutched my camera like an extra appendage. In some ways it was. After losing half my sight, I relied on my camera like an extra eye, seeing the world through its lens. I would rather die than lose it.

“The Daily Gossip,” I said before Silvia could answer just to relieve some of the awkward tension building in me under her gaze.
“We study at Wexler U.”

She tilted her head, crossing her arms.

“Okay,” I quickly stammered out. “I get that the name of our paper sounds like a tabloid, but the Daily Gossip is a cool campus paper.” The last part maybe only I believed since Silvia raised her eyebrow at me, but Lolita and the mountain didn’t have to know that.

No one spoke after that. Even in a noisy club, the silence in our group rang in my ears. Not waiting for the situation to get any more awkward, I plowed forward with my own selfish intensions.

“You know Luka.” I said it more as a statement, but it came out like a question.

Lolita nodded.

“I’m Dakota Collins and I’m graduating this spring. I was wondering if Luka would be interested in—”

“What would I be interested in?” a smooth voice joined our group.

The walls of my throat closed, chocking the rest of what I had to say. All eyes turned to Luka. Silvia dropped her empty glass. It bounced off the bodyguard’s shoe and landed in a clatter but didn’t break. Even with my height, I still had to look up at him.

“What are you doing here?” Lolita admonished. “You should be backstage.”

One side of his lips came up. God. Without the scowl, his face lit up. I had to stop the urge to lift my camera and start snapping away. And his eyes were piercing blue. The kind that stretched over my mother’s farm in the summer. Damn. Seeing him up close, I knew I’d give any one of my kidneys for a chance to take his picture in a formal shoot.

“We have five minutes. Chill, Yana.” He tugged at one of her pigtails.

“Luka,” Silvia managed. “I’m a big fan. Will you sign my chest?”

Bypassing my petite colleague, Luka’s intensely blue gaze studied me. He reached out and I flinched back. His fingers almost grazed my patch. What the hell was the matter with him? Trying to touch my eye patch was tantamount to poking a bandage over a wound and asking the person if it hurts.

Gothic Lolita—Yana—yanked Luka’s arm down. “I’m so sorry!” Her whole aura changed. She went from all business to panicky. “My brother sometimes forgets his manners. He didn’t mean anything about touching your…” She bit her lower lip, maybe trying to keep herself from saying the wrong thing.

That little faux pas cleared my head of the Luka haze and spurred me into action. “Luka, will you let me take your picture for my final project?”

I didn’t know where my courage came from, but I knew if I didn’t take this chance, I’d regret it. I had to have him as my subject. Still not removing his gaze from my face, like my patch transfixed him, he tilted his head to one side very much like his sister did earlier.

“Luka, don’t!” Yana said, but from the consideration on Luka’s face, she was too late.

“You’re a photographer?”

“Yes.” I nodded, in case the word wasn’t enough.

“And you’d like me to be the subject of your project?”

God yes! This time, I could only nod. I didn’t want him to see how eager I was. And I couldn’t live with myself if I embarrassed myself further.

I waited with baited breath.

It seemed everyone in our group waited with baited breath for what the golden god had to say about my brazen request. I soon realized when Luka spoke, everyone listened. The way he pronounced every word precisely yet still spoke so smoothly, like butter on warm toast, captured everyone’s attention. To say he captivated us was an understatement. Something in me certainly wanted to hear him keep speaking. He could read from an accounting textbook in that voice and no one would get bored.

“I need to know that you’re good,” he finally said.

Something about his words seemed to hold a different meaning. I must have missed the alcohol in the soda Silvia had given me. Maybe I was drunk and this was all a blackout dream.

“What are you saying?” Yana faced Luka all the way now, her petite form all rigid.

He unleashed a full on megawatt smile my way. I almost had to cover my eye from it. At my side, Silvia gasped. Her long nails dug into my arm. Like staring at the sun, I couldn’t take my gaze away from him no matter how bad it was for me.

“We’re about to perform. I want you to take several pictures then send them to Yana. If she approves, we’ll see about your request.”

Then, like smoke, he disappeared into the crowd.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Lily sparkles at Dallas Metiers d'Art fashion show

They say things are always bigger in Dallas, and MORTAL INSTRUMENTS star Lily Collins made a big splash on Tuesday night at the Chanel Metiers d'Art fashion show. 

According to the Daily Mail, Collins stunned in a sequined v-neck dress.

With her hair swept to one side behind her ear it also showed off the touch of some dazzling diamond earrings 24-year-old Lily had chosen to complement the outfit. 
A deep red lipstick shade gave her an air of smoky sexiness, accentuating the brown tones in the shimmering short dress with a finely cut out silhouette around the shoulders scooping down in a neat V  shape. Black boots stretching all the way past her knees and up past her hemline gave the outfit a modern twist, yet still remaining true to the Chanel fashion ethos. 
Couture chic: Lily Collins arrives at Chanel's Metiers d'Art fashion show on Tuesday in Dallas
Couture chic: Lily Collins arrives at Chanel's Metiers d'Art fashion show on Tuesday in Dallas
The actress daughter of Phil Collins was in the Texan state for the fashion show which Neiman Marcus fashion director Ken Downing has promised is 'going to be a big fashion moment here in Dallas'.
    The inspiration for Chanel's Metiers d'Art traveling fashion show this year will come from Dallas, the Texas city where Coco Chanel was once given a warm welcome that included being picked up at the airport in a white Rolls-Royce and being feted at a Western-themed party complete with a catwalk featuring cows.
    For more than a decade, designer Karl Lagerfeld has picked a city linked to the house for the theme of the show staged each December to highlight the work of its artisans. 
     Chanel rebooted! Lily poses in front of a classic 50s sportscar in her cute but classic designer outfit from the legendary French fashion house
    Chanel rebooted! Lily poses in front of a classic 50s sportscar in her cute but classic designer outfit from the legendary French fashion house
    On Tuesday it was the turn for Dallas, the city that fashion house founder Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel visited in 1957 at the invitation of Stanley Marcus, who led Neiman Marcus, the Dallas-based luxury retailer founded by his family.

    The show, held at Dallas' Art Deco exhibition venue Fair Park, began with the premiere of a film written and directed by Lagerfeld titled, 'The Return,' retracing the steps of Coco Chanel as she reopened her Paris couture house in 1954 after shuttering it as Europe entered World War II. 
    Her return wasn't well-received by the French press, but was embraced by the Americans. Neiman Marcus was among those that lauded her return, with a special appreciation for the suits that her name is now synonymous with

    Other cities that have served as inspiration for the Metiers d'Art show include Tokyo, New York, London, Shanghai and Edinburgh, Scotland. The collection, which will be in boutiques in May, highlights the work of the artisans who are part of a Chanel subsidiary company, including a costume jewelry and button maker, a feather and flower maker, a milliner, shoemaker, glovemaker and embroiderers.
    What do you think of Lily's dazzling night in Dallas? Share your thoughts below.

    Lily Collins shares her Top 5 songs of 2013

    Nothing says girl power like The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones star Lily Collins. 2013 has been quite a spectacular year for our Clary Fray.

    Just like the many fans she has inspired this year, Collins has her own playlist that has kept her jamming. She spoke with MTV  about it. From Ellie Goulding to Lorde, 2013 was all about girl power.

    "I've been a huge Ellie fan for a while," Collins said. "Her voice is so distinctive and has this amazing mixture of being soothing and relaxing and yet energetic and strong."

    Just like us, Collins fell in love with Lorde. "Lorde's voice translates as such an old soul and her lyrics are so true and honest. This beat mixed with her voice is golden."

    Go to MTV to see the entire playlist.

    Cover reveal for 'The Last Stand of the New York Institute'

    The newest installment of The Bane Chronicles arrives next week (Dec. 17), and Entertainment Weekly shared the exclusive cover reveal with readers.

    The Last Stand of the New York Institute (written by Cassandra Clare, Maureen Johnson, and Sarah Rees Brennan) was originally scheduled as the final novella in the spin-off series, but jumped ahead in the publication schedule. Here’s the official description: “In the time of the Uprising, Valentine’s Circle goes after Downworlders in New York…and the Shadowhunters of the Institute must decide whether to join him, or fight with Magnus and his kind. This is the first time Magnus sees Jocelyn, Luke, and Stephen —but not the last. It is not long before Jocelyn seeks him out….”

    There’s only one more ebook in the series, and EW will have the final book cover reveal next month. How excited are you to read about the last stand? Share your comments below.

    Sunday, December 8, 2013

    VIDEO: Jamie Campbell Bower and Lily Collins training for 'The Mortal Instruments'

    Check out this brand new behind-the-scenes look at Jamie Campbell Bower (Jace) and Lily Collins (Clary) training for The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. The video can be seen below.

    What do you all think of the training they went through? Let us know in the comments!

    Friday, December 6, 2013

    'The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones' Ranked #1 Action & Adventure Movie on iTunes!

    Fantastic job shadowhunters! 

    The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones has been ranked as the top action and adventure movie on iTunes!
    How many times have you watched the movie since you purchased the DVD or on iTunes? Feel free to leave your comments in the box below!

    Tuesday, November 26, 2013

    Cassandra Clare Talks 'City of Ashes' Film

    Cassandra Clare spoke with MTV News about the upcoming Mortal Instruments sequel saying that she's ready for it. City of Bones fans have been patiently waiting for more news on the second installment which is set to film sometime in 2014 and we finally have some! Cassandra Clare dishes that the next movie "ratchets up the stakes". An obvious play on words for what's to come.


    "Simon (Robert Sheehan) is turned into a vampire," Clare teases, "And he goes from being this human who's Clary's friend to this ravenous undead thing." Cassandra says that casting Robert Sheehan for the role was always the plan, "Robbie was actually my idea," she says. "I saw him in 'Misfits,' which is a big comedy hit in Britain, and he's just so good and yet also able to be heartbreaking and I thought he'll be great and he will enjoy the hell out of being a vampire."

    MTV asked what fans can expect from City of Ashes, and although the 'Mortal Instruments' author couldn't say a lot, she told them Sigourney Weaver joining the series as the Inquisitor is what fans will enjoy. That the character is, "This badass, scary lady". Clare also talks about the scene she can't wait to see play out onscreen which is a huge battle that takes place on the deck of a warship. If you've read the books you know the one!

    She also shares her thoughts concerning the first film and her reaction upon seeing her series come to life. She describes it as a "bizarre" experience adding, "Even though in the movie they're very different from the way they are in the books, there were moments where I sort of jumped because a certain prop or a certain thing was as I imagined it in my head."

    Though City of Ashes hasn't begun filming yet this interview gives us reassurance that everything's on schedule to move forward soon. Since Cassie talks about Simon's character, which moment from the novel with him in it are you dying to see happen in the COA film? Comment below or tweet us @TMI_Institute!

    Sunday, November 24, 2013

    Mortal Instruments Fan of the Month: November

    Introducing:  Hayley Hemming  
    Month of: NOVEMBER 

    Mini Showcase: 

    Hayley was originally going to draw something, but for the sake of time she created a few Mortal Instruments collages:

    Hayley dressed up as a Shadowhunter: 

    Heart by Heart is a song by Demi Lovato that is in soundtrack for The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. "This song describes Jace and Clary perfectly and I cannot stop listening to it. The lyrics and tune are haunting and it takes you straight into the heart of City of Bones." - Hayley Hemming. 

    When your soul finds the soul it was waiting for
    When someone walks into your heart through an open door
    When your hand finds the hand it was meant to hold
    Don't let go
    Someone comes into your world
    Suddenly your world has changed forever

    No there's no one else's eyes
    That could see into me
    No one else's arms can lift
    Lift me up so high
    Your love lifts me out of time
    And you know my heart by heart

    When you're one with the one you were meant to be find
    Everything falls in place, all the stars align
    When you're touched by the cloud that has touched your soul
    Don't let go
    Someone comes into your life
    It's like they've been in your life forever

    No there's no one else's eyes
    That could see into me
    No one else's arms can lift
    Lift me up so high
    Your love lifts me out of time
    And you know my heart by heart

    So now we've found our way to find each other
    So now I found my way, to you

    No there's no one else's eyes
    That could see into me

    No there's no one else's eyes
    That could see into me
    No one else's arms can lift
    Lift me up so high
    Your love lifts me out of time
    And you know my heart by heart

    And you know my heart by heart

    And you know my heart by heart

    And you know my heart by heart

    Fan of the Month Fun Facts:

    Name: Hayley Hemming

    Age: 23

    Where you're from: Droitwich Spa, England

    Favorite book:  My favorite book of the series has to be City of Glass :) for totally obvious reasons. Its got action, romance and the ending... well... PERFECT!

    Favorite character and why: I love them all but after thinking I'd have to say Jace. He's currently one of the best shadowhunters around and I like how his past was shrouded in mystery. I love his cocky attitude, saracastic ways and the way he acts to Clary is just hot haha. He loves her and because of it she gets put on this pedastool even though she can totally handle herself. I love how Jace's attitude was "To love is to destroy" but yet when he meets Clary his whole personality changes. He's the guy you have to love. Even though Valentine was bad towards him Jace still loves him and it goes to show what a better person he is. And of course he's a Herondale :) And we all know how much I LOVE WILL HERONDALE :)

    Favorite quote: “Do you remember back at the hotel when you promised that if we lived, you’d get dressed up in a nurse’s outfit and give me a sponge bath?" asked Jace.
    "It was Simon who promised you the sponge bath."
    "As soon as I’m back on my feet, handsome," said Simon.
    "I knew we should have left you a rat.” - City of Bones

    Favorite fan moment: I haven't met the cast yet :'( but thinking back to my fav fan moment.. Not only when I heard they were making City of Bones into a movie but I practically screamed and jumped for joy when I found out they were making City of Ashes :)

    Fan of the Month Social Media:  

    We really hope you enjoyed meeting November's Mortal Instrument's Fan of the Month! The Mortal Instruments have brought people together of all ages from around the world, and we are hoping to make a few introductions that will lead into a lasting fandom family. Say hi to Hayley in the comments below, and come back to meet December's Mortal Instrument's fan of the month! 

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