
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Cassandra Clare answers some 'Clockwork Princess', book tour and WonderCon questions!

Cassandra Clare took some time to answer a few of the questions on Tumblr asked by fans about 'Clockwork Princess' and WonderCon.

questions re: clockwork princess/Wondercon/signings

“Hello Cassie, I have a question for you, I’m meeting you on March 19th, are you going to sign all the people’s books or just an amount of people? :) — booksproblemss”

I always try to sign everyone’s books at a signing. The only few times I haven’t managed it have been when the bookstore wound up closing and tossing me out. But the whole idea of a book signing is, you know, you get your books signed. :)

“I was wondering, will you and the cast be signing books, posters, etc at Wondercon? — iamclaryfray”

Saturday, March 30.

“hi cassie! i am completely in love with ALL of your books and i cant believe that clockwork princess is coming out in just ONE WEEK! i was just wondering if i could get books that were signed by lily collins and you… :p just wondering — areyourealornotreal”

By me, yes. By Lily, probably not — she is around for the Q and A part of the signings and some photos, but she won’t be signing book.

“hey cassie!! i am super excited for the new trailer and the poster to come out! and also CP2!! <3 but anyways, when you talk about the poster, does this mean it will be sold in stores? and if so what countries and which stores? I really hope I will be able to buy it and not just stare at it in the theatres behind a plate of glass *sighs** Thanks and love you and ur books <3 — sizzyherondale”

I am pretty sure the new poster is just for movie theaters. Usually when they start selling movie posters it is through bookstores, comic stores, Hot Topics, etc. and it’s closer to the film’s release.

“Hi Cassie! I had a slight heart attack when I heard some people already have a copy of Clockwork Princess. Is this true? If so, how? I’ve heard that there are some spoilers on Tumblr about the ending and other juicy things that happen in the book. It’s just really important to me that I don’t know the ending before I even start the book. — fallenshadowhunters”

Because embargoes are always broken. People got the last Harry Potter book early. Despite the fact that bookstores have strict instructions not to sell the book, there are always employees who forget/don’t care etc. The fault is not with the people who bought the book, keep that in mind. And, if you really don’t want to be spoiled:

1) Avoid the tags

2) Use Savior or something else like it to blacklist topics like Clockwork Princess and Will Herondale

3) Consider staying off tumblr entirely.

And when you do get the book, don’t read the family tree first. You’ll be sorry if you do!

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