
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Exclusive giveaway from The Mortal Institute!

We at The Mortal Institute are so super excited about this giveaway!   We have teamed up with the super talented Kat of KlockwerkKreations on Etsy for a super special Infernal Devices giveaway! You may have seen her work recently, she is the designer of the custom bookmarks that Simon & Schuster are giving away with their copies of Clockwork Princess!

Now that the dust has settled (some) after the release of Clockwork Princess, we are celebrating The Infernal Devices!  Whether you are "Team Will" or "Team Jem," you are sure to be pleased! We will be giving away two exclusive, one of a kind, handmade bracelets! Kat made these just for us! You cannot purchase these in her shop.  One representing Will Herondale, and one representing Jem Carstairs.

Left: Jem bracelet    Right: Will bracelet
Here's how to enter!
a Rafflecopter giveawaya Rafflecopter giveaway

This contest will run from March 21, 2013 through April 4, 2013.  Winners will be announced on Friday, April 5, 2013.  This contest is open to residents of the United States and Canada only, and you must be at least 16 years old to enter. You must follow @TMI_Institute on Twitter in order to be eligible. You may enter both contests, but can only win once. If the winner(s) have not responded within seven days, new winners will be chosen.  Items will be shipped within seven days of contact by winner.


  1. Thank you for this awesome give away and those bracelets are really beautiful!

    The kind of articles I wish to see in The Mortal Institute's blog are discussion posts, or perhaps something fun like character appreciation posts where we state why we love that character.

  2. I would love to discuss why each character is loved for what they do!

  3. Thanks for the giveaway! :D I agree with the previous commenter, discussions would be really awesome, as would character appreciation posts! I'd definitely read those. Maybe sharing some fanart as well. And I'd love to read personal stories about why you love the both series, and maybe favourite characters, etc.

    For future books, prediction posts could be fun, too. :D

  4. I agree with the above commenter's suggestions! Both would be awesome! :D

    I'd also like personal posts on why you love each series, also posts sharing fanart, and maybe on your favourite characters. For future books, prediction posts would be really neat, too. :)

    Thanks for the giveaway! :D

  5. I like honest reviews where you point out the bad as well as the good. helps me decide if I really want to do the read. I also love seeing fans art. Thank you.

  6. Great giveway!

    I too would like to see more posts from fans about why they love the series and why certain characters are their favourites and such like

  7. Thanks for the giveaway!

    I'd love to see some fan appreciation posts. Maybe spotlighting someone each week and learning about how they came to know the Shadowhunter world.

  8. Great y'all! These were ideas we had been toying with! Good to know y'all agree!

  9. Thank you so much for this giveaway! They are both so beautiful, I wish I could make something like this :)
    As for suggestions, I'd love to see more theory discussion posts for future books/the film etc... Oooh and also perhaps DIY posts for Shadowhunter accesories/room decorations/character costumes/nail art etc :D

    1. yes! I love this! I have tinkered around at home trying to make some gear!

  10. Haha! Ester's DIY posts sounds like fun especially since the movie is coming up and it sounded like lots of people were planning to dress up!

  11. Thank you for the giveaway! They're so pretty!! I'd love to hear more personal posts from readers. Personally, I've never had a book tug at my heartstrings as much as CP2.

  12. I love the bracelets!!! They're gorgeous! I'd like to see posts about the characters in TMI and TID, their backgrounds and stuff. I know we can easily read them off Wikia and Wikipedia, but I want to see interesting facts about the characters. For example, Church the cat is immortal and was used by the Iron Sisters to experiment on.

    Thank you for this giveaway!!

  13. I'd love to see more about reader reaction and fan interaction. :)

  14. I would really like to discuss the side characters a bit more, like Jordan and Maia in TMI, or Bridget and Cyril in TID because I think they can be pretty important

    1. I agree. I have been toying with the idea of focusing on secondaries. Glad to hear it would be of interest.

  15. I LOVE that you guys are doing this giveaway!!

    Anyways, I think you guys should post theory ideas about the books, they're definitely interesting to read and write!

  16. I'd like a discussion on the similarities between Will and Jace. ^.^

  17. Hi!!! Thank you SO much for the giveaway.

    I just think that your blog just isn't very fangirl-friendly. It has lots of information-but I can just use Twitter for that. Maybe you could have another tab where you really post personal opinionated discussions.

    1. Yeah. That is something we struggle with. Sometimes there is a certain level of "professionalism" we try to maintain. Glad to hear that others would like to see us fangirl lol.

  18. I'd love to see more articles on the mental growth of our favorite TMI & TID characters throughout both series. I'd also love some posts with set locations for City of Bones listed so of we want to go visit one day we'll know where to go. :D
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. We do have some set posts in the archives from when Shannon was set stalking during filming. It becomes tricky because it is heavily frowned upon by the studio to share set location, especially durning filming, and for good reason. We were able to get more info and pics, but pictures are also dangerous for locating. Perhaps a look back on filming might be fun. Thanks!

  19. Thanks for the giveaway fellow Shadowhunter !

    I think your blog is already great, but if I were to improve on something, it would be maybe more information about the stars or characters in the books :)

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Thanks for the giveaway! I would love fan art! <3

  22. This giveaway is great! I would like for there to be more discussion posts about the characters or ships :)

  23. I would love a post for theories :)

  24. This is so fantastic! What a great idea! And the bracelets are beautiful!
    A post about predictions on whether or not we ever get reincarnated Will and Jem together would be interesting! Think of the theories!

  25. this is an amazing giveaway you guys are doing! both bracelets are awesome!

  26. This giveaway is absolutely amazing! Thanks for the opportunity! I would really love to see some theories on here, like some others have mentioned. I would also love to see more about side characters. They've been just as important to me. But overall you are doing such a great job! Thanks again :D

  27. I would like to see character appreciation posts and fan fiction writing.

  28. I'd like to see posts about favorite quotes...dialogues that make you love a character.

  29. Id like to see more fanart

  30. Oh awesome, the bracelets are pretty! xx

  31. I really want one of these bracelets! They are so gorgeous!

  32. Awesome giveaway. The bracelets are beautiful!

  33. I'd like to see more articles about maybe looking for clues in books of Cassie's that might be foreshadowing something. Like looking at clues that no one notices and seeing how they relate to other books. :) thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Great idea! We've been doing some of this amongst ourselves. Now we just need more input from fans!

  34. I love Will! I'd love to see anything extra. Thanks!

  35. I'd love to see more discussions and ideas about theorizing and anything about Will really, I just love Will! :D

  36. I'd like to talk about the characters with people. I don't have many friends who read Cassie's books, and the only one that does can never remember what the books are about or who the characters are.

    1. Oh I agree. If it wasn't for the blog girls and twitter I'd be lost!

  37. Thanks for the AWESOME giveaway! That's a good question, cause honestly you guys are AMAZING, I'd like to see maybe something like a Cassie "Thank You" board. Somewhere were we can tell Cassandra Clare what her charters and the Shadowhunter world mean to us, with out us clogging up her twitter feed, and lets face it there is only so much you can say in 140 charters! lol

    1. Yes! See, I think of things like this, but I am never really sure who would go for it! sometimes people hide in the woodwork instead of commenting.

  38. Thanks so much for doing this!! :) I'd soo love to win Will's! Or Jem's would be fine, too!

  39. I would love to see a post about peoples theories for what will happen in TDA and City of Heavenly Fire.

    Great Give Away by the way :)

  40. Thank you for the giveaway!!! :3

  41. I love this giveaway and I would love to win! So excited to get Clockwork Princess tomorrow too!

    I would love for this blog to have more discussion and more contests.

  42. I would love for this blog to have more discussions ^-^

  43. The bracelets are beautiful. This series is so awesome sad that its over.

  44. I second Natalia's comment: DEFINITELY MORE DISCUSSIONS!!

    1. Yes! I really want to do more of these, we just need people to discuss with us!

  45. ahhh i love this so much. some more discussions/ debates about the ships would be awesome!!

  46. i dunno, i entered for both bracelets so i guess i have to leave another comment? lol well anyways, i would love to see some polls! the fellow shadowhunters can vote on their favourite something through polls and stuff like that :D

  47. I love Jem so much. I don't really read this blog, but I saw about it on twitter! But anything TMI TID or TDA stuff is always great

  48. Thanks for this great giveaway!

  49. Thanks for this giveaway! I'll be honest and say that I don't really go on this blog, or any blog to be exact actually. I may read an article here and there. I've been following this blog for quite some time actually, and for me anything Cassie Clare writing related is fine for me! Maybe some discussion boards between fellow Shadowhunters? To get more in touch with others and the whole TMI/TID/TDA community :)

  50. Hi thanks so much for the giveaway! I love things like these really cool idea :) would love to see anything and everything TMI/TID/TDA ! keep doing what you're doing this is a great blog! xx

  51. I would love to see anything and everything related to TMI and TID. I am going through some serious heartbreak right now!

  52. I would love to see something to do with the movie, maybe a small prop or some exclusive set pictures

  53. I would like to see more articles about Cob cast :)

  54. I would like to see more articles/posts about the TMI cast, such as what they are up to when not filming the TMI films. And more giveaways :)

  55. I would like to see more articles about the movie and interviews of the cast of COB :)

  56. I think someone might have already said this, but I'd like to see more stuff about the minor characters from the Infernal Devices and Mortal Instruments. Also we can never have too much of Jem and Will:)

  57. The blog is awesome! Love the Jem bracelet, and the articles on this blog now are perfect, and giveaways are always great :) I love the twitter though, and how you always reply to everyone a billion times (including me :D) is really great!

  58. Love the Jem bracelet, and the articles on this blog now are perfect, and giveaways are always great :) I love this giveaway!! thank you so much!! :)

  59. I'd love to see more giveaways and discussions on the characters, books and movies!

  60. Thank you so much for the give away! The bracelets are adorable and really symbolic!

  61. Also, I'd love to see more discussions and reviews of the books and movies!

  62. Those bracelets are beautiful!

    Thanks for providing the opportunity to win the giveaway. :)

  63. The bracelets are absolutely amazing! I would love to do more character discussion!

  64. Fan art :))) I love me some fan art Thanks so much for the giveaway! The bracelets are really pretty! Just finished Clockwork Princess yesterday and ALL THE FEELS
