As a fan of The Mortal Instruments books, there’s no better honor than to be able to be in the presence of the author Cassandra Clare. I want to just tell our followers how she is a wonderfully, sweet person and is funny and obviously tells great stories. I will admit that I was very nervous when I was invited on this trip because there are not many bloggers who get an opportunity like this. To meet my fave author and hang out on a set is just not something one does everyday, you know? Cassie is just so completely easy going and fun to talk to that it was way easier than I imagined. Grant it, I am admittedly a shy person, and I am much more at ease hiding behind the comfort of my laptop, but I really enjoyed my time getting a little insight into the mind of this incredible author and really nice person.
Going to the set was incredible, and there are truly no accurate words to describe the cast other than PERFECT. I wish I could tell more details about the set visit right now, but just know that I’ll more details as soon as possible!
Meeting the other TMI bloggers, and there were several here this weekend, was just as amazing. It’s very surreal to see people I’ve been talking to know for months suddenly be right in front of me. As a newbie to this blog business, it’s incredibly overwhelming to be around the ladies who work on sites like Page2Premiere, Next Movie, Hypable, Twilight Series Theories and Fangirlish. They’ve had some many incredible experiences in other fandoms and had great stories. I aspire for my site to be like theirs when it phases out of its infancy. It’s great to get feedback, advice and hear stories from them….and they were all just really cool!
Most importantly, the fangirls I’ve come to know and love were here: Alyssa from TMI Source,
Kristen from TMI Movie News and Katie from Mundie Moms. To say we are all super fans of this series is an understatement, and I know going forward we will all be bringing you news that will excite the fans as we move day by day closer to the premiere!
I wish I could tell you all more about the set, but be sure to know that my team is ready to bring you all the news you need for TMI. I’m just so, so proud of my goodies I got on set! Thanks to Karen, Kat and Jordan for taking such good care of us! Much more to come…From Toronto to the world, TMI is about to TAKE OVER!

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