Thursday, February 28, 2013

Robert Sheehan verified on Twitter?

We've debated and wondered. We've all followed the account for months now and tried to decide. Will the real Robert Sheehan please stand up?

All of us have been eager to have all the actors from The Mortal Instruments series on Twitter. So far we have @LilyCollins, @JamieBower, @KevinZegers (who is super great with talking to fans and is recently verified), @GodfreyGao (the Instagram king), @IamLenaHeadey, @JRM_Official, and @CCHPounder.

The final stall outs have been Robert, Aidan Turner and Jemima West. Jemima confirmed to fans on set that she does not have a Twitter account, and up until recently, Robert has said he didn't tweet.

Check out the very first couple minutes of this interview with ShowBizGeek where he cleared up the "Twitter confusion":

So we wondered... did he have one pint too many? Because on February 15th, the account @RobMSheehan, which had been dormant since 2011, sprang to life...

Following that, there were a couple more tweets, and everyone was worried that the account had been hacked. I even checked Robbie's brother's account, Brendan, and this is what he said on February 16: "again doesn't use social media so not him not him and not him again."

Situation settled in my eyes. But, that didn't necessarily mean he never had Twitter, right? We just didn't know.

So then... on February 18th, we get the following....
And as of recent, his account has been verified. But, with Twitter silence for the past 10 days, one must ask, "Where is Robert?" Is this the real Robert? It's pretty hard to get legitimately verified, so one figures that this could really be him. I'm hoping we'll get a Twitter pic of him holding a sign saying, "Hey, this is really me on Twitter", and we can all have a big laugh. We believed ya the whole time . . . :/

As of now, I'm still going to wait patiently for some more verification. Brendan Sheehan, any help here? Nonetheless, welcome aboard (or back) to Twitter, "absentee Twitterer, though real and verified" Robert Sheehan, if it is indeed you! We promise to filter ourselves accordingly and not fangirl too much (we figure you secretly probably may like it a little). We look forward to random hilarity and hopefully bits and bobs of news about TMI and his other upcoming projects.

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