We have one week to go! Clockwork Princess, the final work in Cassandra Clare's Infernal Devices series will be in our hands, and we'll find out the fate of our steampunk Shadowhunters!
In a way to hash out the theories (reader bewarned if you haven't read the series... we may talk spoilers), I've enlisted the help of some of my favorite bloggers (@TMIShadwhunters, @TMI_colombia, @TMIspanishnews, @shannoncatori, @TMICanada and @ThePaisleyOwl) to discuss our predictions and debate some of your favorite theories.
This week we discuss Tessa Gray:
I'm not entirely sure what will happen with Tessa in terms of Jem and Will. I'd like to say she ends up with one of them, but I just don't think it will happen. We've all heard the theories: Tessa will become an Iron Sister, and Will or Jem will be a Silent Brother. As tragic as I think the book will be, I truly hope one of them to live on so Tessa won't be alone. Obviously, she still is in contact with Magnus, and I'm truly hoping she makes a comeback in City of Heavenly Fire.
Celine, TMI Canada: We know Tessa lives forever given the fact that she appears at the end of City of Glass. I saw on tumblr that someone had asked Cassie that Tessa wearing white was just a coincidence or if she was grieving. Then, Cassie told them that Tessa was grieving. There is the obvious reason to Tessa’s grieving: Jem or Will. However, Clockwork Princess takes place in 1878, and although “Forever does not make loss forgettable, only bearable,” could Tessa be grieving for over 130 years? Or perhaps, she’s grieving over something more recent?
Given the fact that Tessa still lives, hopefully, this means that ‘Team Good’ defeats the clockwork creatures. Can’t wait to see how things will play out!
Sarah, TMI Institute: I think that after all the battles are done Tessa will leave...whether Jem lives or dies. No matter what Will says. I am fairly certain that Tessa is immortal (and I am totally with the theory that she is the daughter of Ragnor Fell). She will leave so that those in her life can move on-especially Will. I would imagine that it would be very difficult to watch those around you age and die all the time. But I would like to think that he finds some measure of happiness.
Liliana, TMI Colombia: Tessa... she´s immortal and she won´t have a happy ending either, she loves two guys, mortal and parabatai... she will lose them sooner or latter (unless one of them become a silent brother or a daylighter)... she doesn´t have a family and she can´t have kids. She´ll realize what she really is (we don´t know how good it could be... she´s kinf of a weapon on Mortmain hands right?), and we know she will sacrifice hereself to save the shadowhunters... To talk about Tessa´s future is depressing... I know she´ll survive because she appear on CoG... but I really wanted her to be happy :(.
Shannon, TMI Institute: In all honesty I'm really not that concerned with who Tessa ends up with. I'm really only interested in reading about Tessa discovering the secrets about her past that will help her determine who she is. I became intrigued with Tessa from the first time she was introduced to us in City of Glass. I must have read that page a dozen times, searching for clues. I desperately wanted to know who she was, why she was important, but mostly, why her introduction was left to the very end of the story. I cannot wait to uncover the rest of Tessa's story hidden within those crisp new pages a few days from now.
Satin, TMI Institute: For my final predictions for Tessa I had to think long and hard. Tessa still does not know what she is. In my eyes Tessa won't end up with Will nor Jem. We know that she doesn't die because she was in City of Glass. In Clockwork Princess Tessa will find out her true identity. I have no clue if she's a Warlock or not, but she is some kind of Downworlder. I remember a genius theory from someone, I believe it was Sarah or Amber, that Tessa and Magnus could be related in some way. How awesome would that be?! I'd love it. There are so many possibilities for Tessa.
Tita, TMI Spanish News: OMFG I'm so scared that Tessa will end up alone! I only want Jem, Will and Tessa to be happy all together and the rainbows stuff I was talking about the other day XDDD
Well, after reading Cassie's comments about what the jounalists that read the book think, I can tell for sure that I think Tessa will leave them all to protect them... I don't know why I have this impression...
Amber: Who could Tessa be holding hands with in this first CP2 teaser? We'll find out in SEVEN days!
i am curious to know what everyone thinks about the fact that, though they're both the last males in their family, both the Herondale and the Carstairs names live on. I think Tessa doesn't get either guy, but the guys (especially Jem) have to fall in love with someone else. I can see Will marrying someone but not being in love with them, but because of the time limit on Jem's illness, I honestly think he's going to fall in love with Will's sister. CANNOT WAIT TO FIND OUT! ~daphne
ReplyDeleteI guess Tessa is grieving because of Hodge death in CoG, thats explain the white dress, mourning. Elizabeth Gray is really Adele Starkweather, and the girl in Cp2 prologue is a changeling. So Tessa is related to Aloysius and Hodge. Tessa is half shadowhunter and half demon. The angel blood burned the demon's mark. These is my theory...
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DeleteFinally I no the books out now but I'd figured out what her mum was and that she was a shadowHunter/warlock in the first book when shes with mortmain in the sanctuary!! I was suprside reading this that only 1 person had picked up on at this point. I also love the way cc ended the book I cried when will passed but love that Tessa gets to have long life's with both jem and will 100yrs apart =D x