Monday, May 28, 2012

Movie Monday Week 2: Jocelyn’s Call

We are just over a year away from the the theatrical release of ‘The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones’ and the hype for the adaptation of the internationally best selling series by Cassandra Clare will only continue to grow as the release draws nearer.

With some help from fellow ‘Mortal Instruments’ fansites (TMI Source, Mundie Moms, TMI Examiner and TMI News en Espanol) we’ve teamed up for a new weekly feature called Movie Monday.

Each Monday leading up to the August 23, 2013, release of ‘The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones,’ we will take a look at a scene, moment, detail, etc. and give our opinions on how we think it will be interpreted in the big screen adaptation.


Here's my take on the scene....

Jocelyn's phone call to Clary is an important transition from Clary's conversation with Jace at Java Joe's to a more complex situation in which Clary puts herself at risk in order to help her mom from an unknown terror. I can visualize this scene being in the film. I think it will break up the tension between Jace and Clary's conversation and move the film along at a nice pace. I do, however, think that it may be a tricky scene to film because phone call scenes don't always translate well on screen unless well written. It could be that they just show Clary's reactions to the call instead of showing Jocelyn actually talking to her. This would provide a better effect when we actually see the demon attack on Clary.

For the entire article, check out TMI Source!

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